Capital Theatres is the largest independent theatre organisation in Scotland, consisting of the King’s Theatre, the Festival Theatre and The Studio. They’re a registered charity and support access to the arts for everyone.

A production we can all be proud of
We look after every facet of their digital marketing for individual productions as well as media planning and buying for digital channels. Building on this output, when Capital Theatres were looking to redevelop their website, they invited us to pitch and we subsequently won the work.
We worked with Capital Theatres to build and develop a website that encompasses their brand, their passion for the fabulous and their commitment to achieving excellence in customer service. The customer journey and experience were paramount, so we created a site that enriched, enhanced and rewarded each user journey.

Putting everyone
in the limelight
Our team worked in partnership with Capital to build a responsive website that enabled the shows to remain at its heart, but also showcased commercial productions and the charitable status and work Capital do as a Trust.
We immersed ourselves in the theatre experience working collaboratively across disciplines to provide engagement and information right across the board. And our internal team that included everyone from Customer User Experience experts, Designers, Insight and Analytics Managers, Developers, Quality Assurance experts, SEO experts, Project Managers and Client Services enabled us to focus on processes and ensure improvements could be communicated and integrated throughout the project.

From the team at Capital TheatresThank you for all your hard work on our fabulous, gorgeous, showbiz website.
Curtains up on integration
We plan and buy digital media for Capital Theatres’ colourful programme of productions, and there are a vast range of them annually. We use site data and analytics to ensure that we’re reaching the right people at the right time and that our marketing campaigns are driving ticket bookings, not just engagement. Through web-based remarketing strategies, we also ensure we’re bringing audiences back time after time to discover productions we know they’ll love, as well as any brand-new shows that are launching too. Ultimately, looking after the website, analytics and digital marketing ensures the best consumer experience possible across all digital touchpoints within the Capital Theatres brand.